Felix Schneider, has a long history in the German rock/pop and xover scene. In the 90's he was guitarplayer for German modern x-funker GOM JABBAR who won a lot of awards like the "German Rock & Pop Award" in 1995.
His current rock/pop band POOLSTAR have their songs licensed in films, TV and hymn for the NBL football team "Berlin Thunder" and the IFMXF motocross show "Night of the Jumps" and on a lot of samplers.
He got his own studio and a record label "GOMRecords".
His passion for classical music and film music came from his mother, she was an opera singer. His father brought him to rock and jazz.
He studied music at the American Institute of Music in vienna. His teachers: Mike Stern, Joe Diorio, Les Wise, Frank Gambale, Wayne Brasel, Jeff Boudreaux, Paul Hanson, Skip Higgins...
main instruments: guitar, bass, piano.
in the early years: violin, trumpet and flute. |